Hello twitter! (2)
Hello TWITTER, this is the moment when you guys comment ''Hello!'' too.. :P
Lol haha! :D
today i mabye gona buy a shirt whit 1D on! :D
I know a awesome page whit one direction stuff! :D
And now a imagine for all of you! :)
You and Niall have been best friends since ages ago, Niall has a girlfriend that you don't like,'' Come on baby let's go'' says Niall, You see them go away, she takes his hand and gives him a kiss on the cheek , you want to be that girl, you want to be with Niall, but you don't want to destroy your friendship so you take it slow and try not to get jealous, it's been one years now since Niall got his girlfriend and you've told him that she behaves weird but Niall does not listen,'' Niall! I know she is not your type! she behaves weird and ..'' you say,'' I know she is my type! You're my best friend and you know when I find a girl, she is right for me and if I can be with her in .. yes a year! it's really my type!'' Says Niall, you still think that she seems very foam! so you follow her home, trying to look through her window, but you can't see anything! Then she walk out and then she jumped in the car and drove away, You followed her a long long way since she stopped and got out, you wondered where she and you was, so you looked around and then you saw you you were at a big disco, a huge popular place, Niall's girlfriend walked in and you were following, and then when you walk in you see her kissing another boy, you don't what to do so you take a picture and then you drive home and show the picture for Zayn, ''What should i do? i don't want him to get hurt!..'' you say fast! ''Y/N, I can tell him if you want? i know you don't want to hurt he's feelings! i know, but i tell him!'' Zayn Says, You were really happy that Zayn tell Niall about everything, Zayn walk into Niall's room and he close the door, you stand outside the room and listening, ''Niall we need to talk..'' Zayn says, ''Yeah sure, what is it bro?''
''You know your girlfriend..We saw her kiss another boy!'' Zayn says slowly. ''haha i think you saw another girl!..'' Niall says and laughing. ''No! Niall look at this picture!..'' Zayn show the picture and Niall start crying!.
''I can't believe this! this can't be true!..'' Niall says in tears!
You walk into the room and sit next to Niall, ''i'm sorry Niall..'' you says, ''Y/N sorry, I'm sorry that I did not believe you..'' Niall says slowly. You hug him and Zayn walk out the room and close the door slowly.
Niall look at you weird and then he says ''I want to be more than just friends!, Y/N i love you! i really did not like her so mutch! i love you Y/N'' He slowly put he's lips on yours and then he kiss you, ''i love you to Niall'' you says and kiss him again! :)
Imagine Niall! :)
i write it by myselfe! :)
/Sandra styles directioner! :)
P.s Y/N = your name! :P